Rolling Stone – A 21. század 250 legjobb albuma

A Rolling Stone magazin imád listákat csinálni, amivel aztán senki nem ért egyet, de legalább lehet rajta vitatkozni, ami mindig jó kattintás generálás. Most, hogy eltelt a 21. század első negyede, összerakták az elmúlt 25 év 250 legjobb lemezének a listáját, a 182. helyen a Stadium Arcadium áll.

After nearly two decades of death, addiction, and tumult, the Red Hot Chili Peppers had hit their smoothest period yet by the early 2000s, but this double album was still a bold move for an alt-rock group that was finding its footing in the pop world. The risk was worth the reward. RHCP returned to their funk-rock roots throughout much of the project but also showed off some of their deepest, most mature songwriting yet. Ultimately, Stadium Arcadium worked because it was catchy as hell: Singles like “Dani California,” “Snow (Hey Oh),” and “Tell Me Baby” are pristinely produced stadium-rock classics and were mega-hits upon release, helping give the band its first Number One album. —B.S.

Rolling Stone: A 250 legnagyobb gitáros

A Rolling Stone előszeretettel készít mindenféle listát, most a 250 legnagyobb gitárosról csináltak egyet, amely listának a 25. helyén John Frusciante áll.

The Red Hot Chili Peppers have never been easy to pin down musically, and for that one can largely thank Frusciante, the son of a Juilliard pianist. The band’s wild-eyed original guitarist, the late Hillel Slovak, was a hard act to follow, but Frusciante — who is now in his third tenure with the band — played a major role in dragging the Chili Peppers out of the white-funk ghetto and into musical worlds all their own. Always playing in service to the song, Frusciante gave the Chili Peppers a breadth they hadn’t had before: consider the headbanger riffing beneath their cover of Stevie Wonder’s “Higher Ground,” the sensitive strumming in “Under the Bridge” and “Scar Tissue,” the metallic funk sleaze on “Give It Away,” the moody strumming on “Beneath the Girl,” and the volcanic, Hendrixian solo on “Dani California.” That eclectic palette lent Chili Peppers albums like Californication and Blood Sugar Sex Magik a remarkable variety — and made Frusciante one of the most influential and vital guitarists of the alt-rock era. —D.B.

Key Tracks: “Dani California,” “Under the Bridge”

Rolling Stone: Majdnem kész az új Red Hot Chili Peppers album!

A Rolling Stone készített egy interjút Chaddel, amiben szóva kerül az új Netflix dokumentumfilm, a Count Me In, az új világkörüli Red Hot Chili Peppers turné, egy kis múltidézés, és még Josh Klinghoffer is.

Emellett külön cikkben foglalkoznak azzal, hogy Chad szerint az új album majdnem kész, és úgy hangzik mint a Red Hot Chili Peppers, de mégis új és különböző.

Chad Smith interjú a Rolling Stone-ban

Chad Smith

A Rolling Stone leült kicsit beszélgetni Chad Smith-tel, természetesen leginkább az új albumról esett szó, de szóba került a turné, az Aeroplane, és még John Frusciante-ról is beszélt kicsit. Felkészülni, lehet jönnek további régi dalok a koncerteken!

Fans were shocked to hear „Aeroplane” earlier this year.

Yeah, we’re doing it. I think we worked up „My Friends” from the bastard album we never played. No one had a real connection to that one. Josh is like, „I don’t care. I like it, man.” And you gotta switch it up. We’re going to play some older ones, stuff off the first album. We’re playing „Nobody’s Weird Like Me” from Mother’s Milk. We’re delving into our back catalog a bit. It’s gonna be tough to figure out which new ones we can do. We can’t do them all. We’ll figure it out and keep ’em rotating.

Do you ever talk to John Frusciante?

I haven’t. Once in a while, he’ll send me a text or an e-mail or something. I know Flea saw him recently and they hung out. But I haven’t had much contact. He’s doing his thing. I love John. He’s one of the most amazing musicians I’ve ever played with. I’m so fortunate he was in our group. But I think he’s happy doing his own thing, what he wants to do, and that’s great. I want him to be happy.

A teljes interjút a Rolling Stone oldalán olvashatjátok el.