Rolling Stone: A 250 legnagyobb gitáros

A Rolling Stone előszeretettel készít mindenféle listát, most a 250 legnagyobb gitárosról csináltak egyet, amely listának a 25. helyén John Frusciante áll.

The Red Hot Chili Peppers have never been easy to pin down musically, and for that one can largely thank Frusciante, the son of a Juilliard pianist. The band’s wild-eyed original guitarist, the late Hillel Slovak, was a hard act to follow, but Frusciante — who is now in his third tenure with the band — played a major role in dragging the Chili Peppers out of the white-funk ghetto and into musical worlds all their own. Always playing in service to the song, Frusciante gave the Chili Peppers a breadth they hadn’t had before: consider the headbanger riffing beneath their cover of Stevie Wonder’s “Higher Ground,” the sensitive strumming in “Under the Bridge” and “Scar Tissue,” the metallic funk sleaze on “Give It Away,” the moody strumming on “Beneath the Girl,” and the volcanic, Hendrixian solo on “Dani California.” That eclectic palette lent Chili Peppers albums like Californication and Blood Sugar Sex Magik a remarkable variety — and made Frusciante one of the most influential and vital guitarists of the alt-rock era. —D.B.

Key Tracks: “Dani California,” “Under the Bridge”