Eddie – Megérkezett az új Red Hot Chili Peppers dal!

Sometimes we don’t realize how deeply affected and connected we are to artists until the day they die. Eddie Van Halen was a one of a kind. The day after his death Flea came into rehearsal with an emotional bassline. John, Chad and I started playing along and pretty soon with all our hearts, a song in his honor effortlessly unfolded. It felt good to be sad and care so much about a person who had given so much to our lives. Although the song doesn’t speak to Eddie by name, it talks about his early days on the Sunset Strip and the rock n roll tapestry that Van Halen painted on our minds. In the end, our song asks that you not remember Eddie for dying but for living his wildest dream. – Anthony Kiedis

Megérkezett a második dal az október 14-én megjelenő Return of the Dream Canteen lemezről, melynek címe Eddie. A poszthoz választott kép nem véletlenül John Frusciante!